Latest technology allows us to be extremely precise with our application of products. The X35 console has multiple features that can offer customers what they need for maximum benefit for their pastures or crops.
The X35 allows us to keep records of all tasks and is currently about to have the ability to allow access to this information through emailing jobs to the customer. They will then have a detailed record of that particular days work and can better forecast next applications of products. Auto steer also keeps the task completed to a high standard, it allows the driver to rely on cm perfection on any given spray or spreading runs already in place. At the end of the day , the driver is also a lot less mentally drained with more attention focused on looking around and in front of the spreader to prevent damage from rocks, drains etc.
View all EquipmentThe Topcon X35 offers Variable Rate Control as well. This feature allows a prescription map to be downloaded onto a USB and installed onto the console, the map is then displayed onto the screen and controls the amount of product to be applied on any part of the paddock. This is becoming very popular with our customers as it can save them a lot of money in unnecessarily applying fertiliser where it is not needed. Proven results have found customers returning better yield and more consistent pastures.